Friday, December 11, 2015

We have enjoyed the Thanksgiving season. Besides the usual things we are thankful for, like family, home, friends, the gospel, we would like to mention how thankful we are for people who have helped us on the Hoopernacle Pipe Organ. We would especially like to mention Ray Kimber, Merv Brown, David Park, Verne Hansen, Chester Berry, Mike Poll, and others who have helped us when we had technical problems or just questions. We are also grateful to those who have donated money. Thank you all so much.

We are now getting ready for the Christmas Programs. This year (2015) our schedule is as follows:

Saturday, December 19th, Doug Cox, saxophonist, and Elise, vocals; 7:00pm
Sunday, December 20th, Nate Tanner, speaker, 7:00pm
Monday, December 21st, Just Hal, organ music and stories, 7:00pm
Tuesday, December 22nd, Allen Coray, Cowboy Poetry, 7:00pm
Wednesday, December 23rd, Quinn McKay, speaker, 7:00pm
There will also be Christmas music and Carol sing-alongs every night.

We don't charge an admission fee, but we greatly appreciate donations. Seating in the barn is limited, and is on a first-come first-served basis.We appreciate your understanding of this policy and not saving seats for late-comers. Also we mention that there are no restroom facilities at the barn. 

We hope to see many old and new friends at our programs this year.

May all of you be blessed with every good thing this Christmas Season, and may Peace and Love fill your heart and home.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Halloween is Coming!

Hal, Dr. Rulon Christiansen and his daughter at a previous Halloween Concert.

Dr. Rulon Christiansen will be playing his 4th Annual Halloween Concert at the Hoopernacle on Friday, October 30th at 6:30pm. You'd be welcome to come and hear some spooky organ music. You may come in costume, or not, your choice. There are no restroom facilities in the organ barn, so plan ahead.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

About the Hoopernacle

Hoopernacle organ barn in the spring

The Aeolian-Skinner Console

This console was in the Avery Fisher Hall in the Lincoln Center in New York City. It went from there to the Crystal Catheral in California, then somehow to a storage shed in Uintah, Utah. We got it from there.

Hal working on the organ

Hal is preparing a board to add new leather pouches. Our friend Ray Kimber told us if you want to find out how dumb you are just try fixing a pipe organ.

Our friend, and Tabernacle organist, Richard Elliott, visited the Hoopernacle in March of 2014. We had a wonderful time with him. What a genius, and also what a gentleman. He's as nice as he is talented. He looked around the organ barn and played the organ for about an hour. It was an unforgettable experience for us.